Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Why don't we live here?" wondered Eric

While standing outside in the parking lot of our hotel in Oak Harbor, Eric asked the why don't we live here question. The temperature was mild, the scenery was well, you know and he just couldn't help himself. The accommodations at Jana and Karl's were pretty good too. Emily would not go on the four wheeler by herself so she let Eric steer! Is she crazy?
Everyone rode around Jana and Karl's backyard, even Grandpa went for a ride with Kurt. There's no danger when you have alzheimers. He had a big smile on his face and did not want to get off even for the grandkids.
It was Sunday afternoon and there were six big boys and one medium boy in Grandma's house. (Do we not have any girls in this family?) I told them to go make a pyramid so I could take their picture. I got Jason up top but poor Ashley on the ground disappeared.
They all lived to tell about the fall.
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