Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dazzled by Twilight?

Do you recognize Forks, WA? Or are you one of the 5 people that has not read the book Twilight? My sister left the book at my house in the summer of 2007. I am not into vampires but was curious to find out what the big deal was. In fact, I don't particularly like fantasy (or science fiction either) (understatement) at all. I apologize to all the Harry Potter, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fans including those in my own family. Well, I read the book because I didn't have anything else to read at the time. It was okay. I liked it. I was interested enough to read the sequels but waited about 6 months to force my self to finish them. I really did not like either and I am (waiting for lightning to strike) not sure why Stephanie Meyer is considered a genius. Sorry Steph but hopefully your millions will soothe the hurt feelings. We made the trek to Forks because my beautiful daughter in the picture is a fan. I only let her read the first book in the series. When she is 25 she can read what she wants. Look how happy she is, and taking these pictures to school put her at near rock star status.

You get plastic fangs with your "Twilight Punch" at the Forks Diner.

Emily became proficient at climbing on the logs at every beach. Here she is at La Push. My favorite part of the trip was the Olympic Rain Forest. (Of course having the girl at the pizza place in Port Townsend asking for the name to put on the ticket was enjoyable. Maybe she thought we were the town namesake or the offspring of royalty but she could spell said last name without any prompting.) ( by the way, did you know my parents became engaged at Port Townsend? And Lonny proposed across the water in Fort Casey? Another story.) This picture of the forest does not do it justice, everything, and I mean everything was covered in moss. We did not look too hard for the bears and cougars the warning signs cautioned were around, but the elk were abundant. My children have learned about this rain forest in school. Its status as the only of its kind in North America is remarkable, but it wasn't the Amazon, no monkeys or anacondas, but I like them better at the zoo anyway.

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Debbie said...

I am one of the other 5 people who hasn't read the books - I do like the occasional dose of fantasy, but vampires just leave me cold...

Miranda Townsend said...

I am also one of the 5 people that didn't read the books and now I am PROTESTING to not EVER read them! I did see the movie by FORCE with my sister in laws at Thanksgiving and was TOTALLY bored the ENTIRE time...what a terrible movie. If Alyssa wasn't there to let me in on what the heck was going on, I would have left there in the dark. Anyway, I'm glad you guys had a good time!

m_perfect said...

Interesting note about your parents...hope all is well with them!
Beautiful place that. How fun to get to go exploring all over the peninsula. Just been on the fringes but it looks like a great place to go. Have you read "The Egg and I"? It is set in that location. Delightfully funny, so politically incorrect, and written by the same woman who wrote the "Piggle Wiggle" books.