Friday, November 7, 2008

The sky is falling!

We had a storm Wednesday night. It was mild by OK standards, but nonetheless, the wind came sweeping down the plains and took most of the leaves. Somewhere. When we lived in Seattle, I would look at all of the big leaves on our backyard maple trees. And then they would fall. They would be wet and they would just sit there until I raked them into bags and bags and bags. Like 100 bags, maybe more. It was ridiculous. There is not much raking here when the wind blows. A few good gusts and the rakes stay in the garage.
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Miranda Townsend said...

What a GREAT picture of the house! I love it!

Debbie said...

We don't have a ton of leaves in our yard from our trees - our neighbors have some kind of tree that has the hugest leaves, and they all fall in our yard...and yes, they are wet.

m_perfect said...

It had to rain here to get the leaves to fall and that meant they were all down in a day ( or a very stormy night if you prefer). I must say that the lighting is so different in November compared to October. October is glowing and makes you look good in photographs. November is pale yellowy white that makes you look like a diseased turnip. Oh well, this too shall pass.