Sunday, November 30, 2008

thank you. very much.

I asked a friend today at Church what she did for Thanksgiving. She had just told me that her daughter and son-in-law who live with her had been away. I was cringing to hear her answer but she was laughing when she said she cooked a whole turkey, lit a candle and opened a can of cranberry sauce. I stopped cringing and laughed at her lie.

I don't have any beautiful pictures of beautiful pies to post. Which is really too bad because Emily loves to tell me, "I like pie" and I could have quoted her. I ate pie though and it was beautiful.

I am thankful. Thanks to my husband who has given me a life a girl could only dream about. Really.

Thanks to Justin, the boy who arrived the same day I became a mom, who has never said a rude thing to me. Ever.

Thanks to Jenny, sweeter than candy, who still hugs and kisses her mom and dad at night.

Thanks to Geoff, the most ridiculous, goofiest, singing, dancing son in the group.

Thanks to Eric, almost perfect, who use to think his mom knew everything except why there is an "almost" in this sentence.

Thanks to Emily, a fabulous ending, and the only one who still calls me mommy.

Chapter 2

Thanks to Jon, who has not placed a "for sale" sign in my yard for over 10 years, but if you need some heavy lifting he is your guy.

and Thanks to Miranda, not acquainted with bad hair days and willing to clean up after mine.

You're all the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me.


JTuffy said...

Dang, no love for the Out-laws, Miranda and myself! : ) So, if Jenny were a candy what would she be?

m_perfect said...

You're an awfully lucky woman!

m_perfect said...

I guess I should have said "blessed"!But I know you know you are!

OKTownsends said...

if Jen were candy? smarties, butterfinger, nutrageous, caramello, sweetarts . . .