Friday, May 21, 2010

She played

beautifully at her piano recital. After a wedding, a reception, house guests and a trip to Nauvoo I assumed she would be anxious by Saturday night. But no, she was cool as a cucumber. That's her teacher sitting beside her to turn the pages of her music. Undoubtedly trying to be inconspicuous.

Emily's teacher is maybe in her mid-twenties but she has a music degree from the University of Tulsa and therefore connections to score this beautiful auditorium for her piano students performance.

Here's the view from the outside of the building. I still consider myself a visiting Northwesterner to OK so my children performing on TU's campus or graduating high school and attending sports camps on ORU's campus or band camp at the University of Arkansas, etc. reminds me to ask myself. . . . .where am I and how did I get here? Emily is an Okie. She thinks I am ridiculous for more than the above reasons.

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1 comment:

m_perfect said...

I've moved back to Idaho more than a half a dozen times and lived here over a span of 34 years....but I am still an (old, that is to say conservative, not to be confused with the weirdo's that live there now) Oregonian.
Amazing what self possession this younger gen has now...bravo, young pianist, bravo!