Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Minor details

that have not been explained.

Emily had her last day of school a week ago Monday. I have tried to teach her correct principles like no one likes the 7th grade. In her finest teenage rebellion she declared the 7th grade her best year so far. She still admits the sky is blue.

Eric, as of the 23rd of May, is 19 years of age. Not too old for the high adventure though, he left this morning. Nothing like living dangerously. Eric has returned from said events with tales of arriving just after the hurricane or near drowning while white water rafting or late night trips to the ER with brown recluse spider bites. Eeeew, I will spare you the pictures of that one. (Google it if you dare.) Or jumping off cliffs in to questionable waters.

But who could stay home with adventures to be had? It might be hard to take your eyes off these handsome boys of the Jenks ward but look at that water. You don't see this in the vacation brochures from the Florida gulf. When was that oil spill?

Eric doesn't look a day over 11 in this picture so must be his first high adventure when he was 14. Can't say for sure whose idea it was for the photo, but BP will be thanking them no doubt. Was this water pristine at some point?

Good news, though, Eric was accepted into the mechanical engineering program at BYU so he can continue to wear the t-shirt he's been sporting the last couple of years.


Debbie said...

I'm cracking up - my husband has that exact same t-shirt!

OKTownsends said...

Ha, they both have the same incredibly good taste but at least Steve was on the team. For Eric it was almost like wearing a Dallas Cowboy's shirt.

Pam said...

That water is REALLY gross!