Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I could have been a $250aire

but no, I am a $450aire! It's a long story so I'll try to keep it short. I entered a contest last spring(on a girl's blog) to name a pizza restaurant. A friend of hers already had a pizza restaurant but was expanding and needed to change the original name. I submitted a name and then forgot about it. I don't know the girl that has the blog or the guy that owns the restaurant. (thanks M.Smith) I didn't even know where the restaurant was or where the new one would be.

Then I went to UT for Thanksgiving last year.
And I saw this.
And I thought to myself wasn't that my suggestion?

And to make a long story short I am a winner. Or maybe they are. My boys now have $450 worth of pizza! Geoff just emailed this morning and said he had eaten there every day this week. And to think I was worried they would be too self-conscious to claim their pizza. I am going to nominate myself for mother of the year.
Eat at PizzaPieCafe and think of me.
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Betty Debbie said...

Boys too self-conscious to collect free pizza?? Way to subsidize meals for kids!

Miranda Townsend said...

And I'm SOOOO glad you won because this is the only way we're going to be able to eat once Justin graduates because we will be jobless, homeless and starving with 2 you think they would let us live there?

Pam said...

Hey, I was just there last week and saw the place and thought, "that's a cute name"! haha Who would have known? Good for you! Lucky for the guys!

Elizabeth said...

Wait on pie-eating did you claim your prize? Did you stomp in and demand? I'm so glad that it went to a good cause!

Kara said...

Congratulations! Glad your kids ca enjoy the fruits of your labors :)