Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Endless Summer

When Eric had been home one entire week we flew to Oklahoma for a few days.  Eric spoke in church and by the time we returned we were three weeks into this five week summer.  And just so you know, I don't think it bothered Eric that we had moved from Oklahoma,  his friends were mostly gone.  We did drive by our old house once but both he and Emily were mostly annoyed that the drive by delayed their arrival at dinner.  They were so not sentimental.

 We unpacked our bags just barely before Geoff and Alayna flew out for a visit.  Okay we had already seen Geoff a week earlier but we needed/wanted him back.

There was plenty of time for a little kayaking from Bowman's Bay.

We may be the only islanders without our own kayaks, but we do have some paddles.

Ahh, so many places to see.

The sun came out while they paddled.

I think Emily looks like she just woke up here but at least her leg looks like it is recovering

from her cruise encounter with a ship and an iceberg.

We had some nice weather for Geoff and Alayna's visit and some rain, but rain can be nice too.

This is the beach across the water from our house.  

I think that leftover pier was from a long ago ferry that connected island to island.  That is our house over there.

There are lots of murals in town of previous residents.

And around the theatre, murals of movie characters.  Can you tell which is a painting?  
And which is a dip?

Remember when Geoff was Frankenstein one Halloween?  He looks so short here and happy to finally meet in person?

And then finally, Emily met her match.
We had such a good time while Geoff and Alayna visited.  We had an excuse to eat at our favorite places and see our favorite things before we left as well.

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