Wednesday, February 11, 2009

OK, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

The thought crossed my mind that I should water the flowers. It hadn't rained in awhile. Well, and then yesterday happened. Here in Oklahoma we don't go by the same theory as the Northwest. There, the rain is sprinkled (what?) throughout the year. Falling ever so gently over time.

We get our rain here in just 10 or 20 doses.
By the bucketful. And with thunder, lightning, tornadoes and flooding thrown in as if getting drenched wasn't enough excitement. We don't brag about the weather here. We could because we have our good days.

I am not sure they make up for the others. I would tell you we didn't need this last night but then that might jinx us. Just because Armageddon occasionally appears to be eminent there was no reason to panic.
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Debbie said...

I have never heard of a "family safe". Does your whole family fit in the safe? Have you ever had to use it? Do you keep anything in it (like 72 hour kits...)?

OKTownsends said...

The safe is 4'x8' so it's small but provides protection. The alternative is a closet which may or may not be safe. I have seen bare foundations with the house just completely gone. We keep sleeping bags, portable chairs and our tent in the safe which is in our uninsulated garage. The temperature varies too much to keep the 72 hour kits in there. We would need to take them in there IF we used the safe. I will jinx us by answering the question if we have ever used it. Let's just say in the 14 years we have lived in OK we have been safe and scared in the closet numerous times.

m_perfect said...

Can I just say how grateful I am to live in a place where the biggest worry is an overdue volcano a few miles away? It's the world's largest but not a big constant worry anyway...not seasonally like yours...yikes!