Monday, May 4, 2009

Want to borrow a jacket?

If I don't blog something, does it mean it didn't happen? The mundane, ridiculous and inept are debatable but the tacky, well, that should be explained.
Eric came home.
For the summer.
About 10 days ago.
He has so far:
been to the Senior boy's overnighter with the Stake Presidency
been to the dentist.
been to the orthodontist. Twice.
found a job.
had his Eagle Scout board of review.
viewed four movies at the theater.

and had apparently just what it takes to feel right at home at the "tacky prom" stake dance.

Okay, so Eric has survived his first year at BYU. He has enough credits to be a junior in the fall. But, he's still 17 and apparently just tacky enough for the stake dance. Does it get any better than that?

1 comment:

m_perfect said...

Nice jacket! Well, he sounds involved which is always better than bored and detached. Hope you have the strength to keep up with his activities this Summer!