Saturday, October 31, 2009

That's all folks.

Justin is 28 years old and I remember taking him trick or treating when he was a baby. It was shameless sugar extortion. We were poor starving college students. The Halloween sweets may have lengthened our life. Emily is going to a party this evening instead of knocking on the doors of our neighbors. Is it the end of an era or just a blip on a lengthy string of Townsend tricksters?

And is she even sporting a costume, I mean our address includes the word Oklahoma? Well, barely. Those boots may not have seen the inside of a barn but they were purchased while standing beside three cowboys and I don't mean OSU fans. Does that count toward authenticity or can it pass for dress up?

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1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hat = costume. At least it would here in the NW. I'm not positive about how it plays in OK....